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Initial version of PKP IC app ticket extractor (EN/PL)

Grzegorz Mu requested to merge grzesjam/kitinerary:extractor/pkp-ic-app into master

This is an extractor for a new ticket type that is currently only available in pkp.ic.eicmobile, but probably the official PKP IC website will also generate these.

Current limitation:

  • The AZTEC code is not readable at the moment, so the ticket information is extracted by brute-forcing the PDF. There is suspicion it's just signing, there is no actually data in there.
  • Departure and arrival stations are listed on a single line, with only one space separating them. Since Polish railway station names can consist of multiple words, it is challenging to determine which words belong to which station. As a result, the entire line is treated as a single phrase and put into ticket details.
  • Only Polish and English tickets are supported
  • It heavily bases on layout of ticket, if something changes in it entire extractor could break.

The extractor has been tested with:

  • 1x Polish ticket with no exchanges
  • 1x Polish ticket with one exchange
  • 1x English ticket with one exchange

Merge request reports
