Remove device specific overrides / click package bash scripts
Flatpak overrides in var for halium/libhybris device - As PlaMo no longer supports these devices this can be removed? -
usr/bin contains click package management scripts - these should likely be removed and handled by the OS -
usr/share/alsa contains hardware specific hacks, shouldn't these be handled on the OS side as well? -
etc/gst-droid (halium no longer needed) -
etc/xdg/gstomx.conf (halium) -
etc/profile.d/ (OS hack) -
etc/profile.d/ (now done by kwinwrapper?) -
etc/init (halium (android) related?) -
etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/53-ignore-rmnet.conf (fairly sure this is halium as well)
Edited by Justin Zobel