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  • Nate Graham's avatar
    Re-add category display to app delegates · 9dc1768a
    Nate Graham authored
    A year ago, I removed this in 0911fbcd with no review. :/ Sorry about that. In the
    past year, Discover's UI has come a long way, and I think we can re-add the category
    display now without causing the app delegates to become super cluttered.
    The category name is suppressed if it would be identical to the page's title.
    Test Plan:
    Categories in search lists: {F7641610}
    Categories on the featured page: {F7641609}
    Categories in browse lists, featuring suppression-when-equal-to-the-page-title: {F7641608}
    Reviewers: #vdg, #discover_software_store, apol
    Reviewed By: #discover_software_store, apol
    Subscribers: plasma-devel
    Tags: #plasma
    Differential Revision: