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kcms/energy: More stable UI for history graph

Ismael Asensio requested to merge work/iasensio/energyinfo-keep-graph into master

For devices that have history data available, always show the graph.
If there are no data points for the selected time range, simply show
a placeholder message instead of hiding it.

On the other hand, always hide the graph and options for those devices
that cannot provide a history, removing also the potentially confusing
warning message

This moves away from having an annoyingly jumping an unclear UI. \

  • First commit: kcms/energy: Check first if history is available

BUG: 490239

Not proposing to cherry-pick because it introduces a string and it's more a visual/usability change than a bugfix

History but no data points energy-nopoints-before energy-no-after
History with just ONE data point (broken case) energy-one-before energy-one-after
No history Screenshot_20250131_122233 energy-nohistory-after

Merge request reports
