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  • Vlad Zahorodnii's avatar
    Unify beginFrame() and endFrame() hooks for OpenGL and QPainter backends · 7228e9ae
    Vlad Zahorodnii authored
    This unifies frame hooks for OpenGL and QPainter render backends. There
    are a couple of reasons why it's a good idea - it provides one mental
    framework to start painting a frame, the Compositor will be able to
    start and submit frames. The last one is very cool because it gives the
    Compositor more power over compositing.
    Besides unifying frame hooks, this cleans up a bit the arg naming mess
    in endFrame(). As is, "damage" and "damagedRegion" are very confusing
    names. "damage" arg has been renamed to "renderedRegion," because that's
    what it is. The renderedRegion arg specifies the region that has been
    repainted by the Scene. It's different from the damagedRegion as that
    one specifies the surface damage, i.e. the difference between the
    current and the next frame, while the renderedRegion may include a
    region that had to be repainted to repair the back buffer. The main
    reason why we need renderedRegion is the X11 platform. On Wayland, it's
    In the future, we will need to extend this api with output layers.