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  • Vlad Zahorodnii's avatar
    Introduce surface-to-buffer and buffer-to-surface matrices · 45812785
    Vlad Zahorodnii authored and Vlad Zahorodnii's avatar Vlad Zahorodnii committed
    The compositor needs to monitor changes in the mapping between the
    surface local coordinates and the buffer coordinates because texture
    coordinates correspond to the latter. One way to do it is to monitor
    things such as the surface size, the buffer size, the buffer scale,
    etc. The main problem with doing so is that there are so many factors
    that contribute to how mapping between the surface local coordinate
    space and the buffer coordinate space is performed.
    In order to provide a generic way for monitoring changes in the mapping
    between the surface local coordinate space and the buffer coordinate
    space, this patch introduces two new matrices. The first one specifies
    how the surface-local coordinates are mapped to buffer coordinates, and
    the other one specifies how to map the buffer coordinates to surface
    local coordinates.
    With the new two matrices, the compositor has a generic way to get
    notified when it has to re-compute texture coordinates.