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  • Nate Graham's avatar
    Allow corner-tiling by quickly combining edge tiling shortcuts · 87578bfc
    Nate Graham authored
    Currently the only way for a uuser to invoke corner-tiling is to
    manually set shortcuts for them. This patch adds another option: invoke
    the existing shortcuts for edge tiling in a combined manner in quick
    For example, hitting Meta+Left and then Meta+Up within a one-second
    period will tile the active window into the top left corner. In practice
    you hold down the Meta key and then press Left then Up (or Up and then
    Left), and I think it feels very natural. Linux Mint's window manager
    has this feature and I always missed it when I left Mint for the KDE
    Autotests for existing tiling shortcuts are adjusted to not break, and
    additional tests for the new tiling options are added.