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  • Aleix Pol Gonzalez's avatar
    Do not re-read output configuration if the outputs didn't change · e0c965d3
    Aleix Pol Gonzalez authored and Aleix Pol Gonzalez's avatar Aleix Pol Gonzalez committed
    They would override KScreen in case we were using a dock station that
    brings 2 displays.
    We'd get:
    - udev: event for the first hotplughed screen
    - kwin: process all screens properly (both)
    - kscreen: would offer the right configuration for such displays
    - udev: process the event for the second hotplug udev event
    - kwin: restore the configuration
    - kscreen: would think this is a conscious decision and embrace it as a
    With this change we are only re-reading the configuration in case the
    outputs changed.