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  • Nate Graham's avatar
    [folder view] Smooth out icon size steps · 9c25757b
    Nate Graham authored
    Right now, we have the following icon sizes available:
    16 (small)
    22 (smallMedium)
    32 (medium)
    48 (large)
    64 (huge)
    128 (enormous)
    As a result, the differences between the first couple of options are very
    small, while the differences between the last two are dramatic. it feels
    a bit too abrupt.
    This commit removes the smallest size and adds a new 96px size in between 64
    and 128 to make the jump less abrupt. Appaopriate 96px places icons were
    added in frameworks/breeze-icons!36.
    As a result, these are the new icon size options:
    22 (smallMedium)
    32 (medium)
    48 (large)
    64 (huge)
    96 (large * 2)
    128 (enormous)
    The default icon size (64) remains the same.
    People who were previously using a non-default size that is not the
    largest one will experience their icons becoming a bit larger.
    (22->32, 32->48, 48->64, 64->96).