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applets/taskmanager: avoid close button near panel

Christoph Wolk requested to merge cwo/plasma-desktop:tooltip_flip_edge into master

The task tooltips always have the order text>(badge)>close button. On a right screen edge panel in LtR direction, or a left screen edge panel in RTL direction, this means that the close button is right next to the task icon, in a place that is often dangerously close to a convenient place to click to activate the window. This is the case on tooltips with thumbnails disabled, which are fully clickable and very small.

This change makes the close button dependent on panel edge and layout direction, such that it will always show up on the side of the tooltip opposite to the panel.

before after
RtL left edge, somewhat dangerous with no thumbnails leftedge_rtl_nothumbs_before leftedge_rtl_nothumbs_after
LtR right edge, not as dangerous with thumbnails rightedge_ltr_thumbs_before rightedge_ltr_thumbs_after

Having seen this in action, the flipped position feels right to me, while the before position feels somewhat wrong, and in the case of no thumbnails (or sometimes with thumbnails on grouped tasks) rather dangerous - about half the clickable area closes to the icon is the close button, even more on a window that doesn't show a separate window title.

I use left edge LtR though, opinions very welcome.

Merge request reports
