quicksettings/screenrotation: Race condition when triggered by quick setting
We have a race condition where if activated by the quick setting and the screen needs to rotate, the screen rotates and recreates the action center, which causes the quick setting to get deleted.
This can cause a full shell crash because the signal handler has not stopped executing.
We can either fix this by making the screen rotation trigger async, or not recreating the entire action center when the orientation changes.
Object 0xffff8691b1f0 destroyed while one of its QML signal handlers is in progress.
Most likely the object was deleted synchronously (use QObject::deleteLater() instead), or the application is running a nested event loop.
This behavior is NOT supported!
qrc:/org/kde/plasma/private/mobileshell/QuickSettingsFullDelegate.qml:64: function() { [native code] }
Edited by Devin Lin