Wifi Password visibility
I want to share with us an issue I have found with my users experience. I am one of the developers of LliureX, a Neon based distribution used by public schools in Valencia, Spain. We have been using ethernet based classrooms since now. Covid-19 event has changed that, well, politicians. Now classrooms are based on laptops connected to WiFi, with either a common password (classic WPA) or enterprise one, where each student has its own user/password.
Thing is, wifi passwords can be seen on plain text easily. So once a student sets up his WPA Enterprise connection, it is two clicks distance from seen his credentials in plain text. Even QR codes can be generated with that.
Yes, I am aware that no desktop should be left untended without locking, but we are talking about kids or even teachers, with no IT security training at all. Once credentials are stolen, they can use them to impersonate another user and try to access some probably forbidden pages, or even access to cloud services, as credential is shared.
I know this is a bit ill-designed from Wireless standard, where no one found important to keep a password secret, but, would be possible to add an extra step in order to show the password? Perhaps, unlocking with login password.