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802.1x: if scheme is not 'file' leave chars in percent-encoded form

Sergey Katunin requested to merge sgakerru/plasma-nm:fix-uri-private-key into master

For example, if private-key, ca-cert or client-cert scheme is pkcs11, according to RFC 7512 and RFC 3986, a space char and characters outside the US-ASCII must be encoded in octets according to the UTF-8 character encoding and then percent-encoded.

Otherwise, without this patch, if you change and save something in plasma-nm, then %20 will be replaced with a space in the nmconnection file with the connection, which will make the URI incorrect and break the connection.

These parameters (private-key, ca-cert, client-cert) could has not only file:/// scheme according to NM docs.

Example image
Edited by Sergey Katunin

Merge request reports
