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  • Kai Uwe Broulik's avatar
    Address review comments and some more cleanups · 4269a3b4
    Kai Uwe Broulik authored
    * Make dataengines work fully standalone
    * Fix panel icon sizing
      There's still an issue with the popup size when resizing the vertical panel smaller so it collapses
    * Implement keyboard navigation for the list with focus hacks...
      Delete key closes notifications or groups, Arrow left/right expand/collapse groups, Enter invokes default action, if any
    * Fix DND times that are supposed to be hidden showing
      ModelContextMenu doesn't respect "visible" property
    * Move "Notifications" header to ListView header so it scrolls away and leaves more room for the notifications in systray popup
    * Fix finished jobs in history showing as failed when app is closed
    * Don't remember apps that spawned jobs, only for notifications
    * Use CriticalNotification window type (patches pending)