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  • Nate Graham's avatar
    [applets/digital clock] Make pop-up layout more compact and consistent · a45e27b4
    Nate Graham authored
    We got some user complaints about the new Calendar pop-up, saying that
    it used too much space, which honestly is a reasonable critique.
    This MR tweaks the layout in the following ways:
    - Reduce paddings from units.largeSpacing to units.smallSpacing
    - Replace the huge custom date header with a standardized PlasmoidHeader
      containing the current locale's standard long date and the pin button
    - Move the events view from under the calendar into the column to the
      right of the calendar, sharing space with the list of clocks
    - Increase space efficiency of Events view by removing the per-event-type section headers
    Hopefully this should address concerns with the 5.19 layout. I think it
    does look much nicer, myself.