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  • Andrey Butirsky's avatar
    impr: Keyboard Layout plugin: drop excessive DBus API method arguments · d43c2690
    Andrey Butirsky authored
    * In any point of time, the only layout info client might need is about:
        - a single layout (the current one)
        - list of all layouts configured (e.g to fill context menu entries)
      There is no chance it might need to asqure some random layout info
      which is not current.
    * To get current layout Display Name, client shouldn't have to asqure
      the current layout itself first - such dependecy makes code based on
      async DBus API unnecessary complicated.
    * Shall the layouts context menu be ever desired, it would be easy to
      implement by adding both Name lists (Short/Long) and Index getters to
      the API.
    KWin/P-D parts:
    impr: Keyboard Layout DBus API: drop excessive method arguments