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  • Kai Uwe Broulik's avatar
    [Media Controller] Add keyboard shortcuts to the applet itself · df37fc86
    Kai Uwe Broulik authored
    When the applet is opened you can press the following keys to control it:
    * Space (and K): Play/Pause
    * P: Previous song
    * N: Next song
    * S: Stop playback
    * Left key (or J): seek back 5s
    * Right key (or L): seek forward 5s
    * Home: Go to beginning of track
    * End: Go to end of track (ie. basically goes to next track)
    * 0..9: Jump to 0%, 10%, 20%, etc of track's length depending on the number
    Of course there's still the global shortcuts so you don't actually need this.
    While at it I made the slider a bit more reliable while manipulating it so it
    wouldn't twitch around.
    BUG: 351146
    FIXED-IN: 5.6.0