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  • Nate Graham's avatar
    Don't show unnecessary root authentication message · 1890900d
    Nate Graham authored
    This message is pointless because the user will find out that they need
    to authenticate when they click the "Apply" button anyway. Showing the
    user this information ahead of time just contributes to visual clutter
    when it is even shown.
    However the message hasn't even been shown for at least 9 months due to
    an intentional change in header height calculation to make the KCM
    header height always match the height of the category/subcategory
    sidebar header height. This had the side effect of entirely or mostly
    cutting off the authentication message. With the current design, there
    is no way to fix this without regressing the header alignment fix, and
    the message is pretty much unnecessary anyway, so the simplest solution
    is to not show it at all.
    BUG: 434113
    FIXED-IN: 5.24