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  • Oliver Kellogg's avatar
    Fix misplacement of startpoint on associationline originating at port: · 2d1468b2
    Oliver Kellogg authored
    - Add virtual functions getX / getY returning qreal and getPos returning
      QPointF.  Default implementation calls QGraphicsObjectWrapper
      functions x() / y() / pos().
    - Reimplement virtual functions getX / getY and getPos.
      They call the respective function of UMLWidget but add the respective
      component of parentItem() (i.e. x(), y(), pos() resp.)
      Reason: PinPortBase coordinates are relative to their ComponentWidget.
    - In function setSecondWidget, after creating the AssociationWidget
      check whether widgetA is a PortWidget. If it is then
      - store widgetA->getPos() to local variable lineStart;
      - set the startpoint of the association line to lineStart.
    - Use new UMLWidget functions getX / getY / getPos in all code that is
      related to association line calculation and update:
      Function calculateEndingPoints, doUpdates, updateRegionLineCount.
    CCBUG: 403692