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  • Ralf Habacker's avatar
    Fix 'Font sizing is wrong when sharing diagrams'. · 3409db0b
    Ralf Habacker authored
    For any new file the current screen resolution is written into the xmi
    file. If a file contains resolution the file coordinates are recalculated
    into current screen resolution on load and recalculated to file resolution
    on save.
    Files without coordinates resolution are not recalculated on load or save,
    because it is currently not known how to estimate the resolution the file
    is created with. Adjusting those files requires currently adding the
    "resolution" attribute to the <diagrams> tag manually.
    To solve that issue an option would be to add a user request to get the
    correct resolution or to print out a user warning on the status line after
    loading and to add an option to be able to change the resolution in
    document settings or if possible to estimate it from any diagram
    FIXED-IN:2.20.80 (KDE Applications 16.11.80)
    Signed-off-by: default avatarRalf Habacker <>