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  • Oliver Kellogg's avatar
    umbrello/petaltree2uml.cpp function umbrellify(PetalNode*, UMLPackage*) · 8344d5f4
    Oliver Kellogg authored
    - At handling of (objType == "ClassDiagram" || objType == "UseCaseDiagram"),
      choose Uml::DiagramType and umlDoc->rootFolder() according to objType.
    - At the code past the (parentPkg_sav != NULL) return,
      - Remove call to importLogicalView(); the code farther above in effect
        performs importLogicalView() but at the same time deals with controlled
        units. Perhaps should be refactored for clean separation of these tasks.
      - Move call to importLogicalPresentations(root, "root_usecase_package") to
        the "import Use Case View" section.