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Commit f0ee00ce authored by Oliver Kellogg's avatar Oliver Kellogg
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Followup to commit 26aeb516 - further UML2 alignment for loading Umbrello XMI into PapyrusUML

- At function save1 :
  - Update documentation.
  - In UML2 mode, when saving a predefined view create a
    <packagedElement xmi:type="uml:Model"> element.
- At function saveToXMI improve documentation.
- At function load1 :
  - Update documentation.
  - On comparing `type' with "packagedElement" and "ownedElement" a
    simple equality test suffices.

- In function loadUMLObjectsFromXMI for-loop of node test `type'
  against "packagedElement" alongside testing
  tagEq(type, QLatin1String("Model")). Reason: The predefined folders
  are now generated as <packagedElement>s.

CCBUG: 115269
parent f3b1df95
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