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  • Nate Graham's avatar
    Add Duplicate feature · 158d12ac
    Nate Graham authored and Nate Graham's avatar Nate Graham committed
    Summary: Adds a Duplicate feature to Dolphin, showing up as a menu item in the File menu that appears when one or more items are selected and the directory is writable. Duplicated items receive the names of the original files with " copy" appended before the file extension, if any.
    Test Plan:
    {F5201386} {F5201393}
    Test cases:
    - Try to duplicate when nothing is selected: **PASS**: menu item is grayed out
    - Try to duplicate anything on a read-only local volume: **PASS**:  menu item is grayed out
    - Try to duplicate anything on a read-only samba share: **PASS**: menu item is grayed out
    - Duplicate single local file on R/W volume: **PASS**: item is duplicated and named correctly
    - Duplicate multiple local files on R/W volume: **PASS**: 3 items are duplicated, named correctly, and selected
    - Duplicate single local directory on  R/W volume: **PASS**: item is duplicated and named correctly, but a rename operation is not initiated
    - Duplicate multiple local directories on R/W volume: **PASS**: 3 items are duplicated, named correctly, and selected
    - Duplicate single file on R/W samba share: **PASS**: item is duplicated and correctly
    - Duplicate multiple files on R/W samba share: **PASS**: 3 items are duplicated, named correctly, and selected
    - Duplicate single directory on R/W samba share: **PASS**: item is duplicated and named correctly
    - Duplicate multiple directory on R/W samba share: **PASS**: 3 items are duplicated, named correctly, and selected
    - Try to undo a successful duplication: **PASS**: operation is undone
    This is my first attempt at a big change like this and I'm sure it's full of issues. I will accept any and all suggestions for improvement. :)
    Reviewers: #dolphin, #kde_applications, elvisangelaccio, dfaure, broulik, davidedmundson
    Subscribers: kfm-devel, meven, markg, fazevedo, cfeck, #dolphin
    Tags: #dolphin
    Differential Revision: