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  • Ismael Asensio's avatar
    [search] Fix corner cases when using quotes in filenames · ee97db4d
    Ismael Asensio authored and Elvis Angelaccio's avatar Elvis Angelaccio committed
    The `filename` term in a search query is enclosed into quotes.
    As the user can have additional quotes in the search term, there were several
    corner cases where the parsing would fail to correctly split the terms
    New test cases have been added to cover this possibility
    Previous tests still passes to avoid regressions
    (filename/quoted) Compared values are not the same
    Actual   (query.text()): "xyz\"\""
    Expected (expectedText): "\"abc xyz\""
    (filename/mixed) Compared values are not the same
    Actual   (query.text()): "xyz\" tuv\""
    Expected (expectedText): "\"abc xyz\" tuv"
    (content+filename/quoted) Compared values are not the same
    Actual   (query.text()): "abc xyz xyz\"\""
    Expected (expectedText): "abc xyz filename:\"\"abc xyz\"\""