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  • Dmitry Kazakov's avatar
    Implemented the first version of ASL parser and writer · 3e7cdd80
    Dmitry Kazakov authored
    + reading of entire ASL file including embedded patterns.
      Supported version is v2 only.
    + writing ASL files without embedded patterns
    + all the ASL parsing happens via intermediate form in XML
    Still to be done:
    - writing embedded patterns
    - connect to actual layer styles
    Short description of architecture:
    1) KisAslReader reads an ASL file into QDomDocument
    2) KisAslXmlParses together with KisAslCallbackObjectCatcher parses
       the prepared XML document and initializes any structures connected
       to it.
    3) KisAslXmlWriter is used to create a XML document from internal
       styles representation.
    4) KisAslWriter converts XML data prepared by KisAslXmlWriter into
       actual ASL file.