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  • Dmitry Kazakov's avatar
    Added ability to KoResourceManager to support "derived" resources · 857fed43
    Dmitry Kazakov authored
    "Derived" resources are the resources that do not exist temselves.
    Instead they are contained in some other resources and are updated
    synchronously with the parent resources as well.
    E.g. we store opacity and composite op and opacity in the current
    paintop preset, which is also a resource. So composite op and opacity
    are "derived" resources.
    The main goal of this refactoring is to make our resources comply with
    a general Model-View-Controller architecture:
    Model: KisPaintOpPreset. It stores opacity, composite op, eraser mode
           and other "global" properties.
    Controller: KoCanvasResourceManager. It controls access to the resources
                and emits notification signals when they are changed.
    View: KisPaintOpBox and other classes that show the resources on screen
    Please take into account that according to the MVC design all the access
    to the model resources should be performed through the controller.