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  • Ragnar Thomsen's avatar
    Improve handling of corrupt archives by CliPlugins · 170115f1
    Ragnar Thomsen authored
    A new parameter was added to the Kerfuffle::CliInterfaceParameters enum
    (called CorruptArchivePatterns), containing a list of regexps matching
    output from CliPlugins when a corrupt archive is listed.
    Due to the CliInterface not being able to launch a KMessageBox itself, a
    query (LoadCorruptQuery) was added which launches a
    KMessageBox::warningYesNo asking the user if he wants to try to load the
    corrupt archive. This is useful because some files might still be
    If the user answers no, loading of the archive is cancelled.
    If the user answers yes the archive is loaded as usual, but to prevent
    the user from trying to add/delete files from the corrupt archive (which
    is likely to fail), the archive is set to readonly. This necessitated a
    new private member in ReadOnlyArchiveInterface (m_isCorrupt) and
    getter/setter functions. The setter function is used in
    CliInterface::HandleLine, while the getter function is used in
    BUG: 261073
    BUG: 352949
    FIXED-IN: 15.12.0
    REVIEW: 125363