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  • Elvis Angelaccio's avatar
    CliInterface: use temp dir only for drag-and-drop extractions · c401afeb
    Elvis Angelaccio authored
    Currently Ark uses a temporary extraction directory when a cliplugin extracts
    only some selected files (i.e. when the CliInterface::copyFiles() functions gets a non-empty list of files).
    This is wrong. This was meant for drag-and-drop extractions only,
    where the fileRootNodePair struct is used (in CliInterface::moveToFinalDest) to remove the root node from the dropped
    entries. If the user performs a normal extraction via the extraction dialog,
    the current behavior introduce some unintended regressions (see commit
    The proper way to fix this is to explicitly tell the plugin when we want to
    perform a drag-and-drop extraction, in which case the temp dir will be used.
    CCBUG: 359628