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  • Ragnar Thomsen's avatar
    Add support for overwrite prompt of unrar 5 · fba2a220
    Ragnar Thomsen authored
    The overwrite prompt changed in unrar 5 compared to unrar 3 and 4. This
    commit adds support for the unrar 5 prompt. Unrar 5 has a multi-line
    overwrite prompt, i.e. the last line of the overwrite prompt does not
    contain the name of the existing file, which is needed by the
    OverwriteQuery to display the filename to the user. This was solved by
    storing the filename in a member variable m_storedFileName, so it is
    available when the last line of the overwrite prompt is reached. To
    capture the filename, a new parameter, FileExistsFileName, was added to
    the CliInterfaceParameters enum.
    7z also has a multi-line overwrite prompt, so previously the filename
    was not displayed in the OverwriteQuery dialog. This is now fixed.
    BUG: 349131
    FIXED-IN: 15.08.1
    REVIEW: 124111