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CMake proofreading

Raresh Rus requested to merge work/nmariusp/cmake_proofreading into master


./app/CMakeLists.txt:21: Weird indentation; use 2 spaces [whitespace/indent]
./app/CMakeLists.txt:26: Tab found; please use spaces [whitespace/tabs]
./app/CMakeLists.txt:52: Extra spaces between 'endif' and its () [whitespace/extra]
./app/CMakeLists.txt:57: Extra spaces between 'set_target_properties' and its () [whitespace/extra]
./CMakeLists.txt:1: Extra spaces between 'cmake_minimum_required' and its () [whitespace/extra]
./CMakeLists.txt:56: Extra spaces between 'if' and its () [whitespace/extra]
./CMakeLists.txt:81: Extra spaces between 'if' and its () [whitespace/extra]
./CMakeLists.txt:87: Extra spaces between 'if' and its () [whitespace/extra]
./CMakeLists.txt:91: Extra spaces between 'endif' and its () [whitespace/extra]
./CMakeLists.txt:91: Expression repeated inside endif; better to use only endif() [readability/logic]
./autotests/plugins/cliunarchiverplugin/CMakeLists.txt:6: Weird indentation; use 2 spaces [whitespace/indent]

Merge request reports
