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  • Mariusz Glebocki's avatar
    Mark intended integer division in double context · c5ed6009
    Mariusz Glebocki authored
    Fixes a problem detected by Coverity Scan.
    Coverity Scan log (relevant part)
    /zpool/projects/Devel/KDE/src/konsole/src/TerminalDisplay.cpp: 728
    in Konsole::TerminalDisplay::drawCursor(QPainter &, const QRect &,
    const QColor &, const QColor &, bool &)()
    722 painter.setPen(cursorColor);
    723 724 if (_cursorShape == Enum::BlockCursor) {
    725 // draw the cursor outline, adjusting the area so that
    726 // it is draw entirely inside 'rect'
    727 int penWidth = qMax(1, painter.pen().width());
    Dividing integer expressions "penWidth" and "2", and then converting
    the integer quotient to type "double". Any remainder, or fractional
    part of the quotient, is ignored.
    728 painter.drawRect(cursorRect.adjusted(penWidth / 2 + 0.5,
    729 penWidth / 2 + 0.5,
    730 - penWidth / 2 - penWidth % 2 + 0.5,
    731 - penWidth / 2 - penWidth % 2 + 0.5));
    732 733 // draw the cursor body only when the widget has focus
    /zpool/projects/Devel/KDE/src/konsole/src/TerminalDisplay.cpp: 729
    in Konsole::TerminalDisplay::drawCursor(QPainter &, const QRect &,
    const QColor &, const QColor &, bool &)()
    723 724 if (_cursorShape == Enum::BlockCursor) {
    725 // draw the cursor outline, adjusting the area so that
    726 // it is draw entirely inside 'rect'
    727 int penWidth = qMax(1, painter.pen().width());
    728 painter.drawRect(cursorRect.adjusted(penWidth / 2 + 0.5,
    Dividing integer expressions "penWidth" and "2", and then converting
    the integer quotient to type "double". Any remainder, or fractional
    part of the quotient, is ignored.
    729 penWidth / 2 + 0.5,
    730 - penWidth / 2 - penWidth % 2 + 0.5,
    731 - penWidth / 2 - penWidth % 2 + 0.5));
    732 733 // draw the cursor body only when the widget has focus
    734 if (hasFocus()) {