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  • Robert Knight's avatar
    · ca98b10a
    Robert Knight authored
    * Separate emulation back-end from view.  Removed all references to TEWidget ( the terminal display )
      from the emulation classes.  Connection of widget input keyboard/mouse notification to emulation
      is now done in TESession::addView().
      Added warnings for things which have/may have broken temporarily due to this change.
    * Removed the concept of 'connected' / 'not connected' from the emulation classes.  Their behaviour
      is now independant of whether or not views are connected to the emulation.
    * Added ScreenWindow::scrollBy() method which scrolls a screen window relative to its current position.
    * Fix signal/slot connection in emulation when creating a new screen window.
    svn path=/branches/work/konsole-split-view/; revision=642513