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  • ivan tkachenko's avatar
    Rename "fallback" profile to Built-in · fca0f4f9
    ivan tkachenko authored and Tomaz  Canabrava's avatar Tomaz Canabrava committed
    * Rename everything related to built-in profile both in code and UI.
    * Unified style for [Read-only] and [Default] badges in profile
      manager's list model.
    * Change --fallback-profile option to --builtin-profile.
    * Backward compatibility: yes. If a user happened to name their
      profile "Built-in", it would continue to work as normal, and even
      load with `--profile "Built-in"` command line flag. It will let them
      modify any property including Name; but changing the name back
      to "Built-in" shows a warning and reverts the change as usual.
    * Remove "This option is a shortcut for" sentence. While it is still
      technically possible to pass built-in profile's magic path, this
      option is not a shortcut, nor implemented as such.
    * Delete extra naming conditions in ProfileManager::changeProfile,
      because they could never be triggered anyway, due to pre-flight
      checks in EditProfileDialog::isProfileNameValid. Automatic unique
      profile names generation has been done even earlier in either
      SessionController or ProfileSettings. Just as before, users will
      continue experiencing a generic "A profile with the name \"%1\"
      already exists." message.
    * Improve test for uncreatable file name of built-in profile.
    * Add backward compatibility test for loading existing profile
      named "Built-in" which also references real built-in as its parent.
    BUG: 438309