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Synchronizer: Fix the feature of excluding folders

Toni Asensi Esteve requested to merge work/synchronizer_fix_excluding into master

About the Folders are ignored in the exclude list of Synchronizer bug report:

In the tests that I performed all excluded folder were ignored, too (as it happened to Davide Gianforte). An effect of the problem was found inside:

void Synchronizer::compareDirectory(SynchronizerFileItem *parent, SynchronizerDirList * left_directory,
                            SynchronizerDirList * right_directory, const QString &leftDir,
                            const QString &rightDir)

More concretely:

  1. In one case, in:
    if (excludedPaths.contains(leftDir.isEmpty() ? left_file_name : leftDir + '/' + left_file_name))

the content of excludedPaths was:


but the content of left_file_name was:


therefore the continue was never executed, and so that folder was never excluded.

  1. In other case, in:
    if (excludedPaths.contains(rightDir.isEmpty() ? file_name : rightDir + '/' + file_name))

the content of excludedPaths was:


but the content of file_name was:


therefore the continue was never executed, and so that folder was never excluded.

The code of the present review request was tried and then the bug effects were not seen, but I'm not a Synchronizer expert and I wanted to ask for other points of view.



    mkdir -p /tmp/krTest/1/"A folder"
    mkdir -p /tmp/krTest/1/"B folder"
    echo "sampleA" > /tmp/krTest/1/"A folder"/sample.text
    cp -a /tmp/krTest/1 /tmp/krTest/2
    echo "sampleA2" > /tmp/krTest/1/"A folder"/sample.text

Launch Synchronizer to compare /tmp/krTest/1 and /tmp/krTest/2. Check that this difference is found:

    A folder                            A folder
        sample.text                         sample.text                    

Go to the General tab, in the "Do not search in" list write:

    /tmp/krTest/1/A folder

Compare again, check that now no differences are seen. Go to the General tab, press the button that exists at the right of /tmp/krTest/1/A folder, check that in the list now it's seen:

    A folder

Compare again, check that no differences are seen.

Go to the General tab, remove the entry

    A folder

from the exclusion list. Compare again and check that this difference is found again:

    A folder                            A folder
        sample.text                         sample.text                    


    mkdir "/tmp/krTest/1/A folder/A folder"
    cp -a "/tmp/krTest/1/A folder/sample.text" "/tmp/krTest/1/A folder/A folder"
    mkdir "/tmp/krTest/1/A folder/A folder/A folder"
    cp -a "/tmp/krTest/1/A folder/A folder/sample.text" "/tmp/krTest/1/A folder/A folder/A folder"
    mkdir "/tmp/krTest/2/A folder/A folder"
    cp -a "/tmp/krTest/2/A folder/sample.text" "/tmp/krTest/2/A folder/A folder"
    mkdir "/tmp/krTest/2/A folder/A folder/A folder"
    cp -a "/tmp/krTest/2/A folder/A folder/sample.text" "/tmp/krTest/2/A folder/A folder/A folder"

Compare excluding /tmp/krTest/1/A folder/A folder and check that the results are the expected ones.

Compare excluding /tmp/krTest/1/A folder/A folder/A folder, etc. and check that the results are the expected ones.

Perform similar tests, for example with more folders to be excluded.

FIXED: [ 364838 ] Folders are ignored in the exclude list of Synchronizer
BUG: 364838

Edited by Toni Asensi Esteve

Merge request reports