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Introduction of SiteSettingsManager

Juraj Oravec requested to merge work/jurajo/site_settings_in_database into master

Store some site related settings in the database. This includes cookies, preparation for zoom, multiple webAttributes (the ones which made sense and could be changed on the fly) and html5 features/permissions (e.g. web notifications).

Contains some form of central manager, siteInfo GUI, preferences GUI and a debug plugin (visualizer).

I still work on:

  • autotests (at least something)
  • data migration for html5 permissions
  • QML support
  • Python support

Some information can be found in issue #20 (closed).

Previews of final GUI stuff I hacked together: (Click to expand)

Screenshot_2024-04-13_22-12-59Screenshot_2024-04-13_22-13-46Screenshot_2024-04-13_22-14-37Screenshot_2024-04-13_22-15-25 permssion_detail

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