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Fix 90° rotation of homescreen.mp4

Nicolás Alvarez requested to merge fix-homescreen into master

The video displayed on February Update was horizontal, with metadata to make it display vertically, but not all browsers follow that, so it incorrectly showed horizontal. I rotated the actual video and removed the metadata. I also fixed the strange aspect ratio in the original (was [SAR 545:546 DAR 4360:2457], now [SAR 1:1 DAR 9:16]).

ffmpeg -i homescreen.mp4 -metadata:s:v:0 rotate=0 -crf 25 -vf setsar=1/1 -preset veryslow -movflags faststart homescreen-new.mp4

To avoid future growth of the git repository, I also moved this file to Git LFS. We should probably do the same with other videos and screenshots later.

One question is if we should move all videos to Git LFS first, and then fix this video. Or maybe put the videos in the CDN, but that would take some work and would delay fixing the rotation issue.

/cc @justinzobel @bcooksley

Merge request reports