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  • DISPLAY=:0 kcmshell5 --list
    The following modules are available: The desktop entry file "/run/current-system/profile/share/applications/kcm_krunnersettings.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line
    kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service :  "/run/current-system/profile/share/applications/kcm_krunnersettings.desktop" KServiceTypeTrader: serviceType "KCModule" not found
    smb               - Credentials used to access SMB shares
    kcm_autostart     - Automatically Started Applications
    kcm_desktoptheme  - Choose Plasma style
    kcm_feedback      - Configure user feedback settings
    kcm_formats       - Numeric, Currency and Time Formats
    kcm_colors        - Choose color scheme
    kcm_fonts         - Configure user interface fonts
    kcm_style         - Configure application style and behavior
    kcm_icons         - Choose icon theme
    kcm_users         - Manage user accounts
    kcm_nightcolor    - Adjust color temperature at night to reduce eye strain
    kcm_notifications - Event Notifications and Actions
    kcm_lookandfeel   - Choose global look and feel
    kcm_translations  - Change workspace and application languages
    kcm_filetypes     - Configure file associations
    cookies           - Configure the way cookies work
    netpref           - Configure generic network preferences, like timeout values
    proxy             - Configure the proxy servers used
    webshortcuts      - Configure web search keywords
    kcm_fontinst      - Install, manage and preview fonts
    cat /run/current-system/profile/share/applications/kcm_krunnersettings.desktop
    # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Alexander Lohnau <>
    # SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=KRunner Settings
    Name[ar]=إعدادات مشغل.ك
    Name[az]=KRunner ayarları
    Name[bg]=Настройки на KRunner
    Name[ca]=Configuració del KRunner
    Name[ca@valencia]=Configuració de KRunner
    Name[cs]=Nastavení KRunner
    Name[en_GB]=KRunner Settings
    Name[es]=Preferencias de KRunner
    Name[eu]=KRunner-ren ezarpenak
    Name[fi]=KRunnerin asetukset
    Name[fr]=Configuration de KRunner
    Name[ia]=Preferentias de KRunner
    Name[id]=Pengaturan KRunner
    Name[it]=Impostazioni di KRunner
    Name[ja]=KRunner の設定
    Name[ka]=KRunner-ის მორგება
    Name[ko]=KRunner 설정
    Name[nl]=Instellingen van KRunner
    Name[pl]=Ustawienia KRunnera
    Name[pt]=Configurações do KRunner
    Name[pt_BR]=Configurações do KRunner
    Name[ro]=Configurări KRunner
    Name[ru]=Параметры KRunner
    Name[sk]=KRunner nastavenia
    Name[sl]=Nastavitve za KRunner
    Name[sv]=Inställningar av Kör program
    Name[ta]=கேரன்னர் அமைப்புகள்
    Name[tr]=KRunner Ayarları
    Name[uk]=Параметри KRunner
    Name[vi]=Thiết lập KRunner
    Name[x-test]=xxKRunner Settingsxx
    Name[zh_CN]=KRunner 设置
    Edited by Petr Hodina
  • $ cat /var/log/sddm.log
    [18:44:28.386] (II) DAEMON: Initializing...
    [18:44:28.394] (II) DAEMON: Starting...
    [18:44:28.394] (II) DAEMON: Logind interface found
    [18:44:28.396] (II) DAEMON: Adding new display on vt 7 ...
    [18:44:28.397] (II) DAEMON: Loading theme configuration from ""
    [18:44:28.397] (II) DAEMON: Display server starting...
    [18:44:28.397] (II) DAEMON: Adding cookie to "/var/run/sddm/{5de446c4-1209-4c91-b76d-f2f243f50f79}"
    [18:44:28.441] (II) DAEMON: Running: /gnu/store/3hyibqm26kr2n3srd62krks59as2s41k-startx -nolisten tcp -auth /var/run/sddm/{5de446c4-1209-4c91-b76d-f2f243f50f79} -background none -noreset -displayfd 18 -seat seat0 vt7
    [18:44:29.747] (II) DAEMON: Setting default cursor
    [18:44:29.752] (WW) DAEMON: Could not setup default cursor
    [18:44:29.752] (II) DAEMON: Running display setup script  "/gnu/store/yka4xlswmmij0dl1szawbfdafbnppq29-sddm-0.19.0/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup"
    [18:44:29.761] (II) DAEMON: Display server started.
    [18:44:29.761] (II) DAEMON: Socket server starting...
    [18:44:29.761] (II) DAEMON: Socket server started.
    [18:44:29.766] (II) DAEMON: Loading theme configuration from "/run/current-system/profile/share/sddm/themes/maldives/theme.conf"
    [18:44:29.771] (II) DAEMON: Greeter starting...
    [18:44:29.830] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Starting...
    [18:44:29.831] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Authenticating...
    [18:44:29.831] (II) HELPER: [PAM] returning.
    [18:44:29.844] (II) DAEMON: Greeter session started successfully
    [18:44:30.195] (II) DAEMON: Message received from greeter: Connect
    [18:44:49.381] (II) DAEMON: Message received from greeter: Login
    [18:44:49.381] (II) DAEMON: Reading from "/run/current-system/profile/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop"
    [18:44:49.384] (II) DAEMON: Reading from "/run/current-system/profile/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop"
    [18:44:49.385] (II) DAEMON: Session "/run/current-system/profile/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" selected, command: "/gnu/store/cg1zlzv56293r4qvibgsjq69n873clf9-plasma-workspace-5.25.5/lib/libexec/plasma-dbus-run-session-if-needed /gnu/store/cg1zlzv56293r4qvibgsjq69n873clf9-plasma-workspace-5.25.5/bin/startplasma-wayland"
    [18:44:49.442] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Starting...
    [18:44:49.442] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Authenticating...
    [18:44:49.442] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Preparing to converse...
    [18:44:49.442] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Conversation with 1 messages
    [18:44:49.452] (II) HELPER: [PAM] returning.
    [18:44:49.452] (II) DAEMON: Authenticated successfully
    [18:44:49.459] (II) HELPER: Starting: "/gnu/store/yka4xlswmmij0dl1szawbfdafbnppq29-sddm-0.19.0/share/sddm/scripts/wayland-session /gnu/store/cg1zlzv56293r4qvibgsjq69n873clf9-plasma-workspace-5.25.5/lib/libexec/plasma-dbus-run-session-if-needed /gnu/store/cg1zlzv56293r4qvibgsjq69n873clf9-plasma-workspace-5.25.5/bin/startplasma-wayland"
    [18:44:49.463] (II) HELPER: Jumping to VT 8
    [18:44:49.463] (II) HELPER: VT mode didn't need to be fixed
    [18:44:49.471] (II) DAEMON: Session started
    [18:44:49.637] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Closing session
    [18:44:49.642] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Ended.
    [18:44:49.651] (II) DAEMON: Auth: sddm-helper exited successfully
    [18:44:49.651] (II) DAEMON: Greeter stopped.
    [18:45:06.897] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Closing session
    [18:45:06.904] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Ended.
    [18:45:06.917] (II) DAEMON: Auth: sddm-helper exited successfully
    [18:45:06.917] (II) DAEMON: Socket server stopping...
    [18:45:06.917] (II) DAEMON: Socket server stopped.
    [18:45:06.917] (II) DAEMON: Display server stopping...
    [18:45:06.995] (II) DAEMON: Display server stopped.
    [18:45:06.995] (II) DAEMON: Running display stop script  "/gnu/store/yka4xlswmmij0dl1szawbfdafbnppq29-sddm-0.19.0/share/sddm/scripts/Xstop"
    [18:45:07.012] (II) DAEMON: Removing display ":0" ...
    [18:45:07.013] (II) DAEMON: Adding new display on vt 7 ...
    [18:45:07.013] (II) DAEMON: Loading theme configuration from ""
    [18:45:07.013] (II) DAEMON: Display server starting...
    [18:45:07.013] (II) DAEMON: Adding cookie to "/var/run/sddm/{4d5b18b0-b785-4328-b12a-49e0e16c881a}"
    [18:45:07.051] (II) DAEMON: Running: /gnu/store/3hyibqm26kr2n3srd62krks59as2s41k-startx -nolisten tcp -auth /var/run/sddm/{4d5b18b0-b785-4328-b12a-49e0e16c881a} -background none -noreset -displayfd 19 -seat seat0 vt7
    [18:45:07.808] (II) DAEMON: Setting default cursor
    [18:45:07.810] (WW) DAEMON: Could not setup default cursor
    [18:45:07.810] (II) DAEMON: Running display setup script  "/gnu/store/yka4xlswmmij0dl1szawbfdafbnppq29-sddm-0.19.0/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup"
    [18:45:07.818] (II) DAEMON: Display server started.
    [18:45:07.818] (II) DAEMON: Socket server starting...
    [18:45:07.819] (II) DAEMON: Socket server started.
    [18:45:07.819] (II) DAEMON: Loading theme configuration from "/run/current-system/profile/share/sddm/themes/maldives/theme.conf"
    [18:45:07.821] (II) DAEMON: Greeter starting...
    [18:45:07.874] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Starting...
    [18:45:07.874] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Authenticating...
    [18:45:07.874] (II) HELPER: [PAM] returning.
    [18:45:07.888] (II) DAEMON: Greeter session started successfully
    [18:45:08.127] (II) DAEMON: Message received from greeter: Connect
    [18:45:18.699] (II) DAEMON: Message received from greeter: Login
    [18:45:18.699] (II) DAEMON: Reading from "/run/current-system/profile/share/xsessions/plasma.desktop"
    [18:45:18.711] (II) DAEMON: Reading from "/run/current-system/profile/share/xsessions/plasma.desktop"
    [18:45:18.718] (II) DAEMON: Session "/run/current-system/profile/share/xsessions/plasma.desktop" selected, command: "/gnu/store/cg1zlzv56293r4qvibgsjq69n873clf9-plasma-workspace-5.25.5/bin/startplasma-x11"
    [18:45:18.802] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Starting...
    [18:45:18.802] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Authenticating...
    [18:45:18.802] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Preparing to converse...
    [18:45:18.802] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Conversation with 1 messages
    [18:45:18.807] (II) HELPER: [PAM] returning.
    [18:45:18.808] (II) DAEMON: Authenticated successfully
    [18:45:18.823] (II) HELPER: Starting: "/gnu/store/j653i1azcgyahi71pip4rz4ai0529ip2-xinitrc \"/gnu/store/cg1zlzv56293r4qvibgsjq69n873clf9-plasma-workspace-5.25.5/bin/startplasma-x11\""
    [18:45:18.829] (II) HELPER: Adding cookie to "/home/bob/.Xauthority"
    [18:45:18.865] (II) DAEMON: Session started
    [18:45:18.897] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Closing session
    [18:45:18.903] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Ended.
    [18:45:18.913] (II) DAEMON: Auth: sddm-helper exited successfully
    [18:45:18.913] (II) DAEMON: Greeter stopped.
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