v2.3.83fe02b45 · ·
Tellico 2.3.8 Features * Updated ISBNdb.com fetcher to use v2 of API. * Updated GiantBomb fetcher for XML changes in responses. * Added coverartarchive.org to MusicBrainz data source. * Updated Allocine fetcher for website changes. * Added fetcher for VNDB.org. * Added Dewey Decimal and LCC to ISBNdb.org results. Bug Fixes * Added Bibtex importing for drag/drop text (Bug 319182). * Fixed Entrex/Pubmed fetcher for summary requests (Bug 319501). * Fixed bug with retaining allowed values when adding entries from data sources (Bug 317905). * Fixed bug with not properly escaping text in CSV exporter (Bug 317473). * Fixed regexp in Google Scholar fetcher to set cookie (Bug 316550). * Fixed character encoding in IMDB results list (Bug 314113). * Fixed crashing bug with OpenLibrary and DVDfr fetcher (Bug 319681). * Fixed memory leak when updated entries (Bug 316449).
v2.3.76a960cdc · ·
Release Tellico 2.3.7 Features * Added data sources for DBLP.org and TheGamesDB.net. * Added import capability for VinoXML files. * Added capability to enter Google API key for book search. Bug Fixes * Fixed a bug with adding new fields when importing bibtex (Bug 304767). * Updated the IMDB fetcher. * Corrected character encoding and title data for DVDfr search. * Corrected actor and role results from Allocine search. * Improved the Delicious Library importer. * Fixed a bug with editing the toolbar configuration in KDE 4.9.2+. * Fixed a bug with a number field not detecting a modified value (Bug 313304). * Fixed a bug that caused loans to fail to get checked-in (Bug 307958).
v2.3.64ff81cbe · ·
Release Tellico 2.3.6. Features Added simple importer for CIW files from ISI. Added data sources for IMDb in French, Spanish, German, Italian, and Portuguese. Added API data source for Hathitrust. Added API data sources for Allocine, ScreenRush, FilmStarts, SensaCine and Beyazperde. Added API data source for Springer Link. Added API data source for Microsoft Academic Search. Updated KDE library dependency so Tellico works with KDE 4.4 and KDE 4.5 again. Bug Fixes Fixed an intermittent crash when entering multiple ISBN values in search. Improved Amazon search for US UPC values from non-UPC sites. Fixed formatting bugs in IBS.it search. Fixed a bug for saving images when using a local image directory (Bug 299130). Fixed a bug with loading images from Google Book Search (Bug 299789).