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Draft: improves testing infrastructure

Andreas Naumann requested to merge work/test-infrastructure into master

improves testing infrastructure

The MR

  1. provides a hint how to call the tests with the correct QT_PLUGIN_PATH in the Maybe the next step remove the need for that hint.
  2. extends the QT_PLUGIN_PATH in cmake before creating the tests. That removes the need to source before calling cmake. The QT_PLUGIN_PATH is prepended by KDE_INSTALL_FULL_QTPLUGINDIR followed by <buildDir>/bin/plugins.
  3. moves the plugins to <buildDir>bin/plugins/okular/generators. Before they were in <buildDir>/bin/plugins/okular. That makes the tests pass before installing. The order in (2) was chosen, such that the plugins are tested after the installation. Thus one can test the plugins in the build folder independently from the installation process.

Merge request reports