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Replace QProcess with KArchive to view archive contents.

Danilo Agostini requested to merge Use-KArchive into master

KArchive is now used instead of running zipinfo, unrar and tar via QProcess to get the list of files in the archive or to extract the preview of the .kra file.

  1. .7z files are now supported
  2. Support for .rar files has been removed as they are not supported by KArchive.

I'm looking for a way to delete !isDir! but I don't know how to do it, do you have any suggestions?

        if (entry.isDir()) {
            //"!isDir!" is used to identify the folders in qml.
            folderList.append(QStringLiteral("!isDir!") + entry.fileName());
        } else {

I've made some progress using QVariantMap. I will remove "!isDir!" as soon as I can.


Edited by Danilo Agostini

Merge request reports