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Adds support to query OpenAI over our text

It's a very simple proof of concept where we issue a request such as "Improve this text: AAA" where AAA is whatever is provided by the input method.

This allows to easily integrate such technologies transparently in our workflows without weird UX gymnastics.

To test this you need to have an open AI API key with some funds. That said, it's extremely cheap with the model we have here, with all the queries to develop this I'm still under 0,01€.

Here's a recording trying to show what it looks like, note it's just about pressing "shift+meta+S".


This is not to:

  • Say this is how KDE thinks these tools should be used.
  • KDE sanctioning openAI or any of such services.

It's just easy to put together a PoC and see if it's something we would like to have. Maybe with this, maybe with another system.

Edited by Aleix Pol Gonzalez

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