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krita-deps macOS changes

Ivan Yossi requested to merge ivany/krita-deps-management:macosd-deps into master

All changes were tested using KDECI_SHARED_INSTALL_PATH and it is still missing test without it.

The following packages were not built:

  • ext_dlfcn_win32 and ext_drmingw : were not compiled for obvious reasons.
  • ext_fcitx-qt : we didn't use it before and there are no warnings or errors from krita when this is missing.
  • ext_googleangle
  • ext_strawberryperl : only needed in windows


  • KritaExternalProject.cmake uses a cmake variable called DESTDIR (the name is not important and could be named MACOS_DESTDIR to avoid confusion with the temporary DESTDIR variable from run-ci-build, this is needed as the macro kis_ExternalProject_Add_macos installs each arm to a temporary location using make destdir mechanism. cmake -DDESTDIR points to the final place of the created binaries, that is _staging.
  • ext_exiv2 needs silent warnings, they are so many and they create random events (mainly callinng print prompt multiple times blocking the build). this was not possible to fix changing subprocess output from bytecode to string or other options.
  • run-ci-build sets a lot of variables in '' which caused a broken build on pyqt5 since it set QMAKEFEATURES to the wrong location. The fix searched for the correct path but IMHO it is best to remove the env variable and let qmake find the proper location.

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