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  • Peter Schatz's avatar
    RGBA brushtips as gradient maps · eeff9d63
    Peter Schatz authored and Dmitry Kazakov's avatar Dmitry Kazakov committed
    This adds the option to use a RGBA brushtips as gradient
    maps. This allows not only multi-colored brushes, but much
    more flexibility with stamp brushes.
    The patch implements the follwoing:
    1) Fixes issues with loading PNG brushes that are grayscale
       but have an alpha channel and should be loaded as RGBA brushes.
       Originally, if it saw it was grayscale, it would get rid of
       the alpha channel, but that means they can't be used with the
       new lightness and gradient modes.  This checks if the image
       uses alpha anywhere in the image, and sets it as an RGBA image
       if it does.
    2) Fixes a bug in KoCachedGradient where changing the
       stored gradient added colors to the end of the colorlist
       instead of clearing the original colors and replacing them.
    3) Adds the ability to change the colorspace of the cached
       colors in KoCachedGradient.
    NOTE: all the commit of the original branch has been squashed
          because it was impossible to rebase the work. And without
          rebase we wouldn't be able to port the code to master.