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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
  • Inaccurate Content
    Documentation / Developer Tutorial and Article Site
    This issue exposes inaccurate documentation that needs to be fixed.
  • High Priority
    Documentation / Developer Tutorial and Article Site
  • Other labels

  • HIG
    Documentation / Developer Tutorial and Article Site
    This issue/merge request is related to the KDE Human Interface Guidelines.
  • Junior Job
    This issue is considered easy enough for beginner contributors.
  • Kirigami
    Documentation / Developer Tutorial and Article Site
    This issue/merge request is related to the Kirigami tutorials.
  • Needs Code review/assistance
    Documentation / Developer Tutorial and Article Site
    This merge request needs help with the code used in the tutorials.
  • Needs Web review/assistance
    Documentation / Developer Tutorial and Article Site
    This issue/merge request is related to web technologies (Hugo, HTML, website theming) and needs help from a KDE Web contributor.
  • New Content
    Documentation / Developer Tutorial and Article Site
    This issue/merge request mentions new content that should be added to the Developer website.
  • Nice to have
    Documentation / Developer Tutorial and Article Site
    This issue/merge request is of low priority but would improve the usability/readability of the tutorials.
  • Python
    Documentation / Developer Tutorial and Article Site