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Document Plasmoid properties and a few other various changes

Chris Holland requested to merge cholland/develop-kde-org:work/plasma2 into master

I also edited the min-width the section-left/section-right go from 1 to 2 column mode. Having nav + two columns + pagenav when only 50% a 1080p window is weird.

The rest is just improving the widget docs. I documented many parts of Plasmoid.___. The Plasma's QML API page is getting pretty big (the Table of Contents has a scrollbar), and I might break it up someday.

There's a small <style> tag to remove the code tag styling from the first two columns in the Plasmoid.____ properties table.

  • Moved the unrelated stuff to !202 (merged).
  • Moved the controversial <div class="filepath">path/to/file.xml</div> to !203 (merged).
Edited by Chris Holland

Merge request reports