Rewrite of Geolocation Editor chapter
Geolocation editor suggestion: Select three images, then open the geo editor. Select the three images in the geo editor, click on the Details tab, and edit the location fields, then hit Apply. I expected the operation to be applied to all 3 images, but it is only applied to the last image selected. The manual accurately says the tool is being applied to a single image, but this is one of the few cases of unexpected behaviors I can find in all of digiKam.
Geolocation editor: The manual says "The Map View also provides an Add Bookmark option in the map's context menu. This feature does not come from digiKam and works independently of the digiKam Bookmarks Manager feature." I do not see an Add Bookmark option in the map's context menu.
Geolocation editor: I could not determine what the "Copy geo: URL" item in the map context menu is supposed to do. It appears to do nothing on my system.
Geolocation editor, Undo and Redo: The manual says "Note that the list is configurable by clicking with the right mouse button on the header." I could find no context menu for this tab.
Two-thirds of the way done!