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  • Nikita Sirgienko's avatar
    Fix incapacity open *.cws files · 6f5f23f3
    Nikita Sirgienko authored and Albert Astals Cid's avatar Albert Astals Cid committed
    Summary: File filter was incorrect (there wasn't space between '.cws' and '|' symbol), and didn't recognizing `*.cws` files, so there weren't possibility for users to open any saved files, if they could not specify the file name directly (availability of this feature depends of the particular 'Open File' dialog window).
    Test Plan:
    1) Write some worksheet (for example, with lua backend)
    2) Save as worksheet with file extention `.cws` (for example `foo.cws`)
    3) Try to open, using 'Open File' dialog.
    Reviewers: #cantor, asemke
    Reviewed By: #cantor, asemke
    Subscribers: aacid, #cantor, #kde_edu
    Tags: #kde_edu, #cantor
    Differential Revision: