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  • Nikita Sirgienko's avatar
    Fix not working maxima backend, due to a missing file · 8fee24fa
    Nikita Sirgienko authored and Alexander Semke's avatar Alexander Semke committed
    Maxima backend don't work: you run entry, but calculation never ends. It's happend, because backend use special lisp configuration file (`cantor-initmaxima.lisp`) for better output processing but the file don't exist, bacause it have be removed in 616dc415, I think, accidentally. So, If you have this file (from previous cantor installation, for example) all is okey, but if you don't, you can't run maxima entries. So I have recovered the file.
    But there is some change, compared `Application/15.12`: Output is plain text, instead nice LaTeX image. I think, it bug too and i will try solve it later.
    Test Plan:
    1) remove purge cantor installation
    2) check, that `cantor-initmaxima.lisp` have be removed from `share/cantor/maximabackend`
    3) reinstall cantor without the patch
    4) check, that `cantor-initmaxima.lisp` don't be contained in `share/cantor/maximabackend`
    5) check, that maxima backend don't calculate
    6) apply patch and reinstall cantor
    7) check, that `cantor-initmaxima.lisp` exist in `share/cantor/maximabackend`
    8) check, that maxima work normally
    Reviewers: #cantor, asemke
    Reviewed By: #cantor, asemke
    Subscribers: asemke, #cantor, #kde_edu
    Tags: #kde_edu, #cantor
    Differential Revision: