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  • Martin Küttler's avatar
    The basic featues of CommandEntry work · c79cb0b0
    Martin Küttler authored
    CommandEntry is usable, but not everything works as of yet:
     - SyntaxHighlighting is crippled. It does not work in Maxima, but
       in Qalculate some things are highlighted.
     - Completion does not work, because Tabs are not recognised.
     - The WorksheetTextItems do not look nice: They have a wierd border,
       and the cursor is not shown.
     - WorksheetTextItems are also too small, they should fill the whole
     - Cursor movement does not work for additional information blocks.
       But I am not sure whether one should be able to navigate out of
       those, as any modification outside should abort the evaluation
       and destroy the additional information.
     - There most certainly is more.
    Other Entries can not yet be added to the Worksheet.