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Configurable Isotope Table View Modes

Malte Jürgens requested to merge maltejur/kalzium:work into master

Follow-up to !12 (merged)

This MR makes the way in which the elements in the isotope table are aligned configurable. You can change it in the settings, which look like this:


Some possible concerns from my side:

  • The time it takes to open the settings menu could increase on lower-tier hardware because it has to render the isotope table four times for the preview
  • The settings menu isn't "properly" integrated, meaning the "Defaults" and "Apply" buttons won't do anything (I couldn't figure out to use radio buttons with kcfg, is that even possible? I didn't find any documentation about it.)

I am still pretty new to QT and KDE and thus the code style/quality could probably still be improved.

Edited by Malte Jürgens

Merge request reports